
All of us were enthusiastic about our job when we were hired. Otherwise we probably would never have taken the job! But most of us hit enthusiasm lulls. After several months we are faced with challenges or setbacks that lower our excitement and passion for our jobs. We sometimes question if we are in the right place and wonder what else is out there.
Top performers who consistently exceed goals and expectations weekly, monthly, and yearly over several years find a way to maintain a high level of enthusiasm for their work. People in sales and sales leadership positions require this enthusiasm more than others because so much of our success is based on our ability to impact others. Our positive energy and enthusiasm is contagious, so how do we keep it high?
We often ask top performers how they maintain high levels of enthusiasm, and some of their best answers are below. Which techniques work best for you?
- Move around frequently and get exercise. Exercise is highly correlated with high levels of energy, vitality, and enthusiasm. Sometimes, when you work a long day and can’t get to the gym, you need to be creative like our colleague and professional speaker Susan Leahy: “Anytime I’m in the restroom (as long as no one is waiting) I’ll do 30-40 squats just to keep my energy up.”
- Review your goals and vision. Hopefully you have some sort of written business plan, vision and set of goals. You were probably feeling motivated and ambitious when you wrote that, so re-read it to ignite that same level of initiative and enthusiasm for success!
- Post pictures of what you are trying to achieve in your office or work area. These can be pictures of your dream car or vacation, or family photographs that often remind us why we work so hard. The best way to achieve your personal or professional goals is to put 100% of your enthusiasm and energy into the task at hand—RIGHT NOW.
- Use positive self-talk and smile. More and more we find top performing salespeople and sales leaders who talk to themselves to maintain enthusiasm and the right attitude. Try it: “I feel good—I feel great—I’ve got a sale to make and I can’t wait!” It will put a smile on your face; and countless resources show that the physical act of smiling -- even if you don't really mean it -- causes chemical changes in your body associated with happiness.
- Call a coach or mentor. We all have times when we need a little pep talk to get our confidence and enthusiasm back where it should be. Call your favorite peer and ask them to remind you why you are so successful. Try not to talk all day though—remember you have big goals to hit!
Be ENTHUSIASTIC all day, everyday and have an outstanding month!